Issue:  Student has a Gathering Hold preventing them from registering.
  • All active PathwayConnect students are required to choose a Gathering day and time.
  • To clear the hold, please do the following:
    • Go to your student portal.
    • Navigate to Academics > Gatherings.
    • Click Schedule.
    • Choose a Day and Time that works best and submit your selections.
  • Once your Gathering selection is submitted, the Hold should be cleared.

Note: Students that have graduated from PathwayConnect and have moved on to Certificates and Degrees do not have to choose a Gathering. 
If you are placed on a Gathering Hold incorrectly, please log into the Help Center at and submit a new request with the following information:

  • Title: Erroneous Gathering Hold
  • Product/Service: Gathering Hold
  • Description: specify the reason you shouldn't have a gathering hold (i.e. "I have just completed PathwayConnect and shouldn't be in a gathering" or "I am a Certificates and Degrees student and shouldn't have to select a gathering", etc.)
  • Attach a file:
    • include a screenshot of the hold on your account